Spirits Fly High:
The Continuing Narrative of a Mediums Journey

The Final Part of a Trilogy

Collectively – they tell a story of the unconditional love and guidance that the
Spirit World wishes to give to us.

The trilogy tells us that each and every one of us has “Friends” – “Spirits”
and the ability to “Fly”

Lynn Quigley
Lynn's Home Site

“Spirits Fly High” - the last part and concluding book in the trilogy and, as with the other books written by Lynn, it is a heartfelt recollection of her Spiritual Journey.

“Spirits Fly High” is the culmination of the part of her journey at a particular time in her life in which Lynn honours the request made many years earlier by her Spirit guides to share the experience of finding and establishing a loving and timeless awareness of and connection with, those in Spirit

In her first book of the series "More Friends Than You Know" , Lynn wrote about the development of her natural communication skills with the world of Spirit. The result was a down to earth, inspirational, moving and frequently humorous story.

In reading it, you learned of the method, which Spirit used in training her to work the way she does, getting the amazing communication she gets without any fuss, ritual or drama.

In her second book, Lynn continued to share the journey with you, by re-visiting experiences – happy, sad, painful and joyful - from many years of personal memories, bringing to you more of the techniques and communication given by Spirit, in another brilliant and extremely well received book "Spirits In The Sky"

And now – for those of you who have read the first two parts of this trilogy – she brings you the conclusion. Part three “Spirits Fly High” is another seamless continuation of the much awaited story which took Lynn to America – her first experience (in the physical world) of flying, visiting another country and the “Highs and Lows” of that trip along with the ensuing emotions and feelings associated with the arrival and
departure of her Spirit Guides.

For those of you who have not read the previous two books, “Spirits Fly High” can be read as a “stand alone” volume bringing laughter, joy and wonderment tinged with some sadness but always with the love and wisdom that direct
communication with Spirit brings.

Lynn’s books are said by many to be “Life Changing” and although this final part of the trilogy is now complete and with it her “contract” with Spirit to write it – she has already embarked on a series of other publications about …… well –
that’s another story – for another time.

Spirits Fly High

Spirits Fly High Cover Is Available Now

Printed: 196 pages, 8" x 5",
Perfect Bound,
80# white interior paper,
full-colour exterior

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for Lynn's First Book In A Trilogy
"More Friends Than You Know"
More Friends Than You Know Cover

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"More Friends"

for Book Two In This Trilogy
"Spirits In The Sky"
Spirits In The Sky Cover

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"Spirits In The Sky"

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"The Trilogy"

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